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AWS Redshift

Modernization of cloud data warehouse.

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Data analytics focuses on extracting insights and value from data, insights. It is about collecting, transforming, analyzing and visualizing these with the aim of identifying patterns, trends and relationships that can help boost your company.


In today's competitive reality, companies that do not have a Data-Driven culture, lose a profitability of at least 10% for not making the right decisions and not being able to analyze their data correctly. Being outside of technological integration in business is a huge disadvantage.

ARKHO implements data analytics in support of the tools offered by its partner AWS (Amazon Web Services). In this way we can handle large amounts of data that your company needs to analyze and obtain valuable insights in a efficient and effective.

ss datacenter server room
  • Make better decisions and stay ahead of the market.


  • Identify patterns and trends that will help you retain customers.

  • Prepare for the future, segment customers efficiently and understand how the market flow moves around you.


  • Predict future events reducing losses and reduction in productivity.

Success Stories

Review our success stories in various sectors and industries of the economy

Fortalece Tu Infraestructura Digital
Arquitectura escalable y distribuida
Logrando eficiencia con analítica descriptiva
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Nos especializamos en agilizar la transformación digital y el uso de los datos en las organizaciones, resolviendo su presente y desafiando al futuro. Sus verticales de servicios TI incluyen GEN IA, Modernización, Machine Learning, Analítica de Datos y Managed Services.


Links de interés

Datos de contacto

Paseo Bulnes 188, Of 64,

Santiago, Chile

Av. del Pacífico 180,

San Miguel, Lima

Calle 100, 8A -55,

Bogotá, Colombia

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Impulsamos el futuro en TI 🏹  ©2024 por ARKHO


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